• How do I book Ronda for an event? Hover over the Booking link at the top of this page — then click on the audience type which best suits your needs.

• Does Ronda read and offer criticism on material? Typically, Ronda does not read unsolicited material. Nevertheless, you are welcome to email her and try changing her mind. Click on the Email button at the top of this page, on the right.

•What animals live on the Rondarosa and what are their names? At the moment, there are two dogs. One is a beagle who I rescued from a culvert drainpipe during an approaching, winter storm. Her name is Biscuit (I enticed her out of that drainpipe with a hot biscuit I’d just made). The other dog is a dachshund named Dixiedew Drop. She and Tink have a “complicated” relationship but they do get on. We also have two horses. One is named Charlie, after Tink’s Great, Great Grandfather and one is named Rondy, after one of General U.S. Grant’s horses. (Can you tell Tink named both horses?). There is a miniature donkey, as well, called a Jerusalem donkey for the black cross down its back and across its withers. Her name is Sweet Tea. Six cats also call the Rondarosa home, each named after an SEC team — a tradition of mine going back to my sportswriting days covering SEC football. Two live around the house, Kentucky and Tennessee, while four live up, at the barn: Mississippi, Louisiana, Clemson, and Auburn. A possum I raised from a baby, named Pokey, also enjoys life here, eating whatever cat food is left at the end of each day. For now, that’s it. But you never know who all might wander onto the Rondarosa (or who I might bring home, just the same).